What We Do
We Work to Save lives, Protect and Promote dignity and social justice
What We DO

01. Protection, Gender and Inclusion
In line with our vision; Protection, Gender and Inclusion is central in our programming. We know that to save lives, overcome poverty and social injustice, every person at-risk or those requiring protection needs to be assisted, universal human rights need to be upheld, unequal power relations within society needs to be addressed, and women and youths needs to be empowered.
We support the Voice and Agency of Persons with Disabilities and Older Persons, and ensure that our interventions are inclusive and accessible to Persons with Disabilities and Older Persons. We work with marginalised women and girls, including other allies to address structural and systemic barriers impeding attainment of women’s and children’s rights, including those drivers deeply enrooting gender inequality and excluding women in public space.

02. Education and Peacebuilding
We recognize the role of Education in the peace building process and allocate significant effort to promote rural education. We work together with the Government, Education Partners and other stakeholders to address the factors preventing access to quality education in rural areas in South Sudan.
We Support Community-based Education (CBE) classes/learning spaces, through infrastructural development, supply of scholastic equipment, furniture, and provision of scholastic materials. We provide opportunities for career enhancement for primary school teachers, with emphasis on female teachers through in-service training sponsorship, along with supplementary incentives. We Support community radio education programs to increase access and coverage of education services. We Empower women and youth to promote and participate in building sustainable peace and support community resilience through functional Adult Literacy and Livelihood interventions, including Technical, and Vocational Education Training opportunities for women, and youth.

03. Primary Health Care
We work to increase equitable access to community health services, and the participation of communities in promoting ownership and sustainability of the health services.
We focus on integrated basic package of promotional, preventive, and selected curative health services, focusing on: Child health; Maternal and infant health; communicable and non-communicable diseases awareness and health education; Disease surveillance; and Reporting of service delivery data and vital statistics. We implement health interventions guided by the Boma Health Initiative Model.

04. Water, Hygiene and Sanitation
We work with communities, private sector, WASH partners and Government to improve water quality, encourage the safe disposal of excrement, and promote the adoption of improved hygiene practices.
ISA believes access to safe water and adequate sanitation is a basic human right and an essential first step to protect human health. The following sections describe our core WASH technical approaches in communities, schools, and healthcare facilities; Water supply and quality; Sanitation and hygiene; Governance and finance; Water security and resilience; and WASH in Health Facilities and Schools.

05. Food Security and Environmental Governance
ISA works to strengthen Agriculture, foster Food and Nutrition security, promoting blue economy, improve environmental governance, facilitate the adoption of climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies and promote of sustainable natural resource management.
We implement programs focusing to increase the productivity of farmers, especially small producers; and to promote entrepreneurship and productive and technological upgrading of enterprises, with a focus on micro, small and medium enterprises. We invest in community based social enterprises in natural resources and renewable energy to achieve trio-effect; improving livelihoods, protecting the environment and generating eco-friendly resources. ISA works with community groups and local authorities to strengthen early warning systems, develop community-driven Disaster Risk Reduction management plans.
We specifically focus on women and children’s rights; it’s a line that runs through all our work
Research and Development
We promote evidence-based decisions in humanitarian, recovery and development context by supporting the efforts of existing humanitarian actors and research institutions through facilitating the generation of timely and primary information products on needs, program performance and impacts of other humanitarian interventions.
We have in-house expertise in humanitarian research with principle focus on Baseline Assessments, Multi-sectorial Needs Assessment, Endline Surveys, Gender Gap Analysis, Environmental Impact Assessment of projects, and Conflict Sensitivity Analysis.
In addition, we offer consultancy services on Strengthening Civil Society Organizations Involving Systems (SCOISS), and Educational Technology consultancy package including training on Digital Pedagogy, Instructional designing for Digital Education, Digital Learning Content Development, Learning Management System, eLearning Studio planning & construction and eLearning equipment and software procurement. We provide consultancy services on Life skills and Marketable Skills for Employment and Livelihoods for Women and youths, including farm and off-farm value processing and production of hygiene products such as soap and batik making, and reuseable sanitary products.